Serving with Character, Connection, & Commitment

The Monument Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) was founded in the late 1930s. In the mid 1970's, the developers of the Woodmoor Subdivision convinced the Town of Monument to create a full time, paid fire department which became the Woodmoor-Monument Fire Protection District (WMFPD). The boundaries for the new District were the same as the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District and the Monument Water Department. Thus, the area was protected with fire hydrants.
The MVFD was renamed the Tri-Lakes Fire Protection District (TLFPD) and served the area from Pike National Forest east to Highway 83 and from County Line Road south to the Air Force Academy and Baptist Road.
For many years, the TLFPD operated out of an old donated metal building at 18650 Highway 105. In the late 1990's, the Board made the decision to build a new station on the same property.
The District offered a full range of emergency services, including ambulance service to the WMFPD. Population growth of the late 1990's and the early 2000's enabled the TLFPD to become a combination paid and volunteer department. As the District grew, another fire station became necessary to serve the eastern part of the District when the residents agreed to increase their taxes. The station was built at 18460 Roller Coaster Road in 2004.
A merger between the WMFPD and the TLFPD had been discussed for years; as separation of the two Districts now made little sense. Thus, in 2004, the two Boards signed an agreement forming a Regional Fire Authority on Jan. 1, 2005. The biggest advantage of the Authority was the improved level of emergency response to serve the greater territory. Operationally, the three stations became one department, Each district maintained its original Board of directors, but a combined authority board oversaw the operations made up of all the individual district boards. Finally, the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District (TLMFPD) was born on Jan. 1, 2008 with all paid career firefighters.
In January 2022, Tri-Lakes Monument and the Donald Wescott FPD agreed to a partial-services contract, the first step in unifying the two agencies. In July, a full-services contract was agreed upon. The last step will be a merger-by-inclusion that hopefully will be accomplished in the next year or two. To signify this historical event and create a shared culture, the two districts are operating as the Monument Fire District (MFD).
Today, the Monument Fire District stands proud in protecting the citizens of the greater Tri-Lakes Region.